“A truly creative work of art begins with a prayer - not a pencil" ~Milton Pounds
The House of God is a special place of worship that we build to the best of our ability with the individual gifts that God has given to each of us. A work of art is not intended to hold the center of attention, but rather to be just one element in an environment of worship and joy.
Whether within a church or open space, commissioned sacred art is produced with the purpose of praising God within a specific sacred environment. The artist who produces this sacred art must accept a greater responsibility for the environment in which his work is placed. The artist must master the specific medium of his art and also be a student of the conceptual design of architecture to include interior design. The artist must also have a strong working knowledge of construction. If the artist does not understand this concept, does not accept this responsibility, and does not have a portfolio of experience, then his work becomes an applied decorative element that – unlike a picture – cannot be changed or moved until it "fits".
For the past several hundred years, the purpose of stained glass and the liturgical arts has been threefold: first, to glorify God; second, to uplift the spirits; and third, to educate. The commitment of Pounds Stained Glass Studio is to continue this tradition. All of the work produced by Pounds Stained Glass Studio will be to the best of our ability.